CBC Radio Interview: Chloe Dubois on All Points West – Surrey group recycles almost 20 tonnes of Vancouver Island beach debris
READ THE ARTICLE: Surrey group recycles almost 20 tonnes of Vancouver Island beach debris All Points West January 10, 2017 Season 2017, Episode 300275589 08:43 “What it’s really coming down to is our consum ption habits of plastic and how we dispose of that plastic is really affecting our local communities as well as our…
Expedition Updates & Thank YOU!
This summer, some of the largest coordinated efforts took place to remove marine debris from our West coast Canadian shorelines, connecting so many wonderful people together in a common goal to better our environment. Members of the Vancouver Island Marine Debris Working Committee and countless passionate community members have contributed to this cause to remove…
SUCCESS Cleaning Catala Island!
Our expedition is going amazing! Above is some of our crew with the heaping pile of trash. We will be converting this trash into fuel this up coming summer with our new mobile unit. We have finished cleaning Catala Island, managing to complete two field surveys for NOAA and remove a lot of garbage. Thanks…