Introducing: The Ocean Legacy Plastic Analysis Laboratory

STEVESTON, BC – Ocean Legacy Foundation (Ocean Legacy) is proud to announce the launch of new, affordable plastic testing and production support services. Starting today, (July 3, 2024) local recyclers, startups, and amateur material developers will have access to high-quality melt flow and moisture testing at their Steveston Facility. This lab is part of Ocean…

10 Easy to Implement Ways to Reduce Your Daily Plastic Consumption

By Kierstyn Clough – Guest Author for Ocean Legacy   Plastic pollution and waste is a large problem on our planet. Since plastic was invented in 1907, it has managed to take over and toxify our land, oceans, and even our bodies in a matter of 116 years. Canada is home to the longest coastline in…

Restore the Motagua River: Join the Alliance!

PLEASE DONATE TODAY:   The Motagua River, coursing through Guatemala, is currently facing an environmental crisis of monumental proportions. Carrying over 8,500 tonnes of waste each year into the Caribbean Sea, the river has become one of the most polluted in the world. This extensive pollution not only poses a threat to the river…

Ocean Seen From the Heart – A Documentary Featuring Ocean Legacy

For a long time, the ocean seemed unalterable and limitless, but the impact of our actions on its biodiversity and temperature has become increasingly alarming. In Ocean Seen From the Heart, the sequel to Heart Seen from the Heart, Hubert Reeves, surrounded by passionate scientists and explorers, invites us to rediscover what threatens it and,…

Video: Ocean Legacy’s Legacy Plastic™ and Full Circle Plastic Collaboration Announcement

Presenting the brand new collaboration between Ocean Legacy Foundation’s company Legacy Plastic™ and the Alberta company Full Circle Plastics Ltd. showcasing the ocean reclaimed plastic Sustainable Lumber and Benches. . . . Learn more: — — — — . . A very special thank you to the one and only Adham…

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