Video: From the Beach to the Sorting Facility by Crystal Chan, Surfrider Vancouver
From the beach to Local sorting facility from Crystal Chan on Vimeo.
Come help make a difference 🙂 From now until October 20th the Ocean Legacy foundation along with friends is hosting marine debris sorting as a part of their 14 day upcycle challenge! Read more on their initiative here Learn about what your local surfrider chapter is up to at »
brief summary
Over the SPRING and SUMMER of 2017, various clean up groups worked their way along beaches, trails, mountains and water courses, sifting through as much ocean driftage and marine debris as they could possibly manage with their own hands. Cubic ft of super sack bags later, these colourful clean up finds have made its way (ALL THE WAY from coastal beaches and trails) to this inspiring sorting facility.
100% Educational and oceans-friendly